Wednesday, December 9, 2009

6 months


So here I am at 6 months, I can't recognize myself! Between my nose, cheeks, MOUTH!, neck, cankles, arms and everything else.. I can't find the Nina I know. All I see is swollen face! haha!

Leo has been moving so much! He is karate kid! His daddy was able to feel him too and that was awesome!

My boobs leaked the other day, I was like..."whaaaat!" my husband ran from the room cause it was too much for him to take. He is funny, he believes he gets all my symptoms, the sympathy symptoms, and expect for me to feel sorry for him! Yea right.

We spent thanksgiving at my sister in law's with his parents. I was sooo sick! Had sinus infection, again! How many times would I get that? grrr Hopefully no more cause it makes me feel like death!

We bought the paint and organized Leo's future room. It's very exciting to know our son will occupy that room soon. It wont be the cats room any longer, but Leo's hehe.

I will go to Puerto Rico this weekend and I am looking forward to it. I miss my friends and family so much. It is not the same when you dont have them around to share this experience with.

105 more days to go! WOW, time is flying by!!! I just hope this belly doesnt grow as much as I am suspecting. I am so swollen! i cant take it anymore! ugh... but its all worth it at the end.

I wanted to give a quick update of whats going on. I will post soon! We get to see baby Leo again on Dec 23, what a great xmas gift that will be for us, so pics will come soon!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BOY? or..........GIRL?

Sorry I haven't posted before, besides being busy I've been LAZY! hahaha

So Oct 29 Vic and I went to the Doc, I was so nervous and sooo anxious! I was almost biting my acrylic nails out of my skin! lol I was happy excited, teary, every emotion possible I had.
I even had nausea! But finally the day to know came.

So we sat in that big chair and the tech asked "Do you guys wana know" we almost screamed YES! So there we are, we will finally know what we are having.

All this time I "knew" thought it was a girl, ive been having dreams it was a girl, my belly was growing side ways like a girl belly should be, and I had my mind set it was a girl!

So she put the jelly on and I was shaking, so nervous! Then she put the stick on my belly and at that second! I see a huge sac! And I say are those balls? and she said Its a boy! !!!!

WHAT? EXCUSE ME? ARE YOU SURE? I couldn't even process this, a second ago I was thinking "this jelly feels so good and warm on my tummy" and then PUM! there he was showing his goods! I started crying, from emotion a bit disappointed. Ok, more in shock than disappointed cause all this time I thought I was having a baby girl.

My husband's face was amazing, and he hold my hand and tear up a bit, that made me feel at peace, even though he never told me what we wanted, I knew he would've loved his boy, and I was happy I made him happy.

So here I am, carrying a BOY, it took me a while to start creating this image of a little boy running around, all I was thinking was pink, but I am so happy! I am proud to be carrying the boy that will carry his daddy's last name. I still cant believe I am pregnant! I've been feeling him kicking since week 18 and every time I have a kick, it brings a big smile in my face.

I've also had my cankles attacking me! Damn you cankles! Every bit of salt have goes straight to my ankles. GRRR

My belly is not huge yet, I am scared when it will decide to explode! AGHHHH, i feel like a whale already, I can't imagine later! I am also a crying mess! HELLO! I never imagined I was able to produce so many tears! really? I cry for everything and I can't control it. I am not a crier so my husband and friends look at me like I am crazy. lol

20 weeks

I did my registry, that was a mess! I hate that place. Too much to think. I will be going to PR for my 1st baby shower in Dec, I am so excited to see my friends and family. Then another shower here in Feb.

Leonardo (yes that is his name!) will be here in March, and I can't wait to meet him. I feel like a different person. I read and talk to him every night (unless I pass out) Vic is so happy to have his baby boy and I am so happy we are expanding this family. I feel so blessed and lucky to have the things I have. Thank You God for this blessings.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4 months!!!!

Heya! I know I've been MIA! but I had to travel to NJ for work, and came back with a bad Sinus Infection! grr, Ive been sick for over a week! I feel much better today but I know I am not 100% recovered!

My NJ trip was unique. I've never been in a city that will stink and will make me gauge as much as Edison, Newark did! OMG stinky place, yuck!

The hotel, their sheets were like rice paper, their air conditioner wouldn't go lower than 67, and trust me, it didn't felt like 67! I sweated every night! Then the food, ay ay ay, not the best at all!

The only good thing about my trip was that I got to see my auntie! We haven't seen each other in over 20 years! And as soon as I saw her and she saw me all we could do was hug and cry. It felt like not even 1 year passed by. I got to meet also my cousin, she was a late oops! lol We chatted for almost 2 hours. And I cherished every moment. She was adopted and moved from PR to NJ many years ago, last time she visited was when I was 12. After that the economy was so hard for her that she couldn't come, she also has 3 other kids. She visited my mom 4 years ago but I was in Fort Lauderdale and I couldn't take off work, but we saw each other through my mom's webcam! Either way I loved seeing her and I hope we can see each other soon.

I came back on a Monday and I felt like crap! nose, head, throat! I thought I was getting the flu, next day I couldnt even think straight, my head wanted to explode and I couldn't breath at all through my nose, went to the Doc and yep, Sinus infection. Great! ugh, I haven't been this sick in 2 years! I will take the flu shot this weekend just in case! I dont want any more stuffy nose!

Talking about stuffy nose, since I got pregnant my nose is bloody and stuffy! Every time I blow my nose chunks of blood, TMI but that's how it is! Doc told me it was normal for pregnant woman, geez! My nose is literally worst than Michael Jackson's; it is falling into pieces!

So today I am 4 months pregnant! HELL TO THE YES! I went to the baby Doc last thursday and heart beat was 156! I have a feeling its a girl! They will tell us on Oct 29, I can't wait to know!

We went to Babies r us over the weekend. MY GOSH! that was frustrating! so much SH&T that you need for the baby! I have no clue what to get and what not to get, so I opened a registry and put a lot of crap there, I'll decide later what to take off, and I will come back as soon as I know the gender of the baby.

Belly has gotten bigger, I got to put a pic! I took pics this morning but didn't had time to download them. I am less hungry too, I now eat my breakfast lunch and dinner. I dont feel the starving sensation I felt the 1st trimester.

What else? Oh I will go to PR to see my friends and family! YEEEHAAW!!!!!!! Dec 11, I will book my ticket Friday. I can't wait to see my best friends. Those girls are the bomb! and I am so grateful to have them in my life, they are my angels, always looking out for me. They will make me a baby shower, so I can't wait to see what they will do.

I will be back as soon as I know the Gender, and I promise I will put pics!!! Gota go, I think I've written enough! hahahahah


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nuchal Test

So on Tuesday Sept 15 I went to get my Nuchal Test done. I was soo anxious for this test and was so excited to see how much the baby has grown. I didn't know what to expect, or how the baby will look like. I thought we will see a baby there, just there.

Oh was sooo wrong!!! As soon as she put the thing on my stomach that baby was waving at us! I had tears coming down my eyes and I couldn't believe a baby this small would have such a big personality! My husband and I were in total shock!


We were there for about 40 minutes and the baby wouldn't stop moving! It was amazing how much we felt the baby bonded with us, see the big nose and big mouth! hahah little legs, little arms, huge beer belly! I mean, for us he/she is PERFECT!


I couldn't imagine I would love something that is not here yet. I mean its here but not here, just inside my belly. I couldn't imagine that I would feel all this emotion for a little 3 inch baby that is laying in peace inside my tummy.

Oh and I think I felt it moving today! I felt some weird bubbles exploiting inside! Probably I am over reacting but it was a weird feeling!!!!!

I've been so worried about money, ugh! This has me in total stress. But I know we will be ok. I know that!

In the meantime I keep dreaming for that day to come, the day I can hold you in my arms and kiss you and tell you face to face how much I love you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Belly is out!

12 Weeks

Yep that is my belly growing by the minute! 12 weeks. Can it be any bigger? Sleeping is not comfortable! I just wanted to update with belly pic. See ya later!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NO myrtle beach after all!

So, this past weekend we were going to spend it in Myrtle Beach. We were going to celebrate our 1 year anniversary and we were really looking forward to it.

After a 4 hour drive and being nauseated the 1st hour! we get there, and to tell you the truth we didn't felt comfortable with the people there. It was not our kind of people. We still decided to have a positive mind and say let's have fun.

Our room was not ready, was 12 pm. SO we decided to drive around and visited Barefoot Landing, which is bunch of stores. 3pm comes and we call, room not ready yet.

Then we went to have some crabs, which they were delish!!!! It was 5 pm and my husband tells me "ok, lets go back to the hotel" I had a bad feeling and I told him to please call before going there, I have a feeling our room is still not ready. Well yep that was it! Not ready STILL at 5 pm!

Hell broke loose, I said forget it! I had a feeling since I got here that things were not going to be good. Thank God my BFF lives 1 1/2 away (Mt Pleasant) so there we went.

We went to the beach the next day and we had a great time! Her son is the cutest thing ever...and we always have a great time with her and family. We left Sunday night. After all the struggle my husband wanted to just get home and be able to spend Monday doing chores at the house.

I am also 12 weeks 1 day today!! Belly is getting bigger! and I feel less tired which is a plus! I feel more like myself (but fatter)

I am going to the doc next week Sept 15 to have the Nuchal test done, I am so excited to see this baby! I will post pics soon.

Ok wanted to have a quick post, going back to work. Until next time!

Friday, September 4, 2009


So, I said previously that my appointment was Sept 1. They called me to re schedule for the 3rd cause the doc was not there or something like it. I don't even remember the excuse, I was just so pissed! I've been waiting 4 weeks for this day and you are telling me you need to change it! grrrr

Anyways I went yesterday and as soon as the nurse put the doppler on my belly there it was! Sounded so beautiful, it was the most amazing sound. pum pum pum pum! lol it was going so fast! 172-173! She/He is a super hero baby! pumping that heart so fast.

Everything else seemed fine.

This week though I've been getting night sickness, just right after dinner i feel sick and have to puke a little.. sucks! Last night I felt better, so hopefully it goes away.

My Nuchal test is Sept 15 and I will see the baby then!!! Oh oh oh oh oh I can't wait for that!

I am going with my husband to Myrtle Beach for the weekend, we need some quiet romantic time. I am excited for this weekend.

I will be back soon! Everyone enjoy your labor weekend! Adios!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No morning sickness!

Today I am 9 weeks! Funny cause Baby Center tells me my baby is the size of a grape! Guess what I am eating right now? yep, grapes! Funny, cause I keep looking at the grape and imagine the baby in that size and then up to my mouth.. and I do that over and over again with each grape!

NO morning sickness! how lucky I am? Boobs hurt though, big time! and they exploded, they are HUGE! My husband is excited about it, but can't enjoy them since they hurt like crazy!

No more cramps either. I have no symptoms, only boobs hurting and go to pee in the middle of the night all the time! Plus the hot flashes that are in their prime.

Belly is growing, I had to go to Motherhood to buy some cloths. They are fugly, and I hate them and it made me depressed to just even wear them. YUCK!

Our next appointment is Sept 1 at 11 weeks. I can't wait to see the baby and say hi and wave! This is crazy! I can't wait to learn if its a boy or girl, or who she he will look like.

I will come back at 11 weeks and post the pic of the little bug! :-)

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Bean

Sorry I didn't updated before, I've been so overwhealmed with happiness that I just took time to absorb everything that is happening to me.
So we went to the doctor on Wenesday, I was nervous and so anxious, the moment of the truth. I was having nightmares, thinking that this was all my imagination and there were not going to be anything inside of me, I also dreamed that there were 2 instead of 1! My imagination just flew by and I just wanted to see if everything was real!
So there I was with my legs open in this weird room and my husband sitting next to me. She puts condom to this stick that was going inside of me and she said, ok there are 2 monitors, this one (right next to me) and another one that was in my left side in almost at the ceiling.
I though ok, she will put this inside of me and she will start looking for the baby, well... as soon as she put it in there was the bean! My husband grabbed my hand and tears came down from joy. I couldn't believe that little bean was growing inside of me. We were able to see the baby's chest pumping (heart) and there was a certain peace that came in through my body. There it was, there is the baby. I am 7 weeks 1 day! Due date March, 23 2009!!!!
My next appointment is Sept 1, I can't wait to see the Bean!!! I found it to be sooo amazingly beautiful, even though is a bean, for me it is the most gorgeous bean in the world!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today is the moment of truth..

I have my 1st u/s appointment today at 3:30 pm and I am so nervous, excited, anxious! I don't know how I feel.
I've been having dreams, so many of them! That the doc wont find anything in my belly, that everything was a joke. Today I will become a believer.. I need to see my little bean. I need to see!!!!!

I just wanted to say that I can't wait to see what is growing inside of me, what is making my boobs grow a size bigger! Good lord! they are HUGE and they hurt so much! lol

I want to see what is making my belly so swollen, my belly is so confused right now! it doesn't know where to go, were to expand..I look like someone who is just getting fatter, (like my husband said to me 2 days ago, the nerves right? lol)

I will give an update of how this goes. I can't wait!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It is true! I am pregnant!

So, I went to my 1st Doctor's appointment. I was so excited and nervous! I think I wanted to hear it from him that I was pregnant!

They took a urine example and after 5 minutes they call med in, (my husband was with me too) so we both sit in the little room and the nurse came in "Congratulations on your pregnancy" I thought I was dreaming. I needed validation!

Then the Doctor came in and we ask all sort of questions, diet, cats, sushi! (he said I can have sushi once a week YAY!) and other minor things. Then he checked my pelvis and told me I was about 5-6 weeks pregnant.

This feels surreal! I have been having some cramps, and my boobs have gotten a bit swollen. The cramps though, they are heavy cramps, I've been told is normal since the uterus is preparing for that little bean to grow up!

Last night I had a dream, the Doctor was telling me I was having a girl. Can you imagine if the baby is sending me those signals? That would be crazy! to have that dream and it to be true!

I am very nervous, excited, scared! about this new chapter. It is amazing what the body does, create a human being? I have a huge smile, a smile nothing and no one will take that smile away from me.

I don't feel different YET, I think I will need to have a sonogram in order for it to hit me completely. My 1st sonogram is August 5th in 2 weeks! I will keep you posted!

Friday, July 17, 2009



I've been holding to write about this since Sunday. And I was going to post something about it July 22nd........BUT I can't help it!

Some Cramps started July 8th, I thought, great my period is coming yuck! But by Thursday nothing, and the cramps got heavier. Now, I didn't remembered having such cramps before my period ever! So I was having lunch with a co worker and I told him, I think I am pregnant.

Then Friday Cramps, Saturday more cramps! I suspected I was, but I was going out in the boat and drink and have fun and decided to hold on with the pregnancy tests.
From Saturday through Sunday I woke up in the middle of the night with the most itchiness feeling ever! and they were in my breasts...I was just scratching and scratching! I couldn't sleep after that, cause I felt I was preggo.

But I had to wait for a reasonable time to wake up and take a test. I also needed to call Jenise so I can make the test with her. I was holding my pee since 5 am! I was exploiting, so I call her at 7 am and told her "I just peed on the strip" the poor girl was so sleepy!!! After 3 minutes (which seemed forever) I saw the little word "PREGNANT" I started crying, i was shaking! how in the hell this happend? hahahah I was soo happy!!!!!!

Then I gota tell my husband, but it's 7 am, should I wake him up or wait? Nah, I can't wait! So in a attempt to be romantic, I sneak in bed and start caressing his hair and his arm. He started to push me away (he thought I wanted sex) when that didn't worked, I open the curtains. He was like, what the fuck are you doing! then I put the lamp on and showed him the stick. He couldn't read it cause his eyes were stuck! ( he has contacts)

So after a few drops he sayd, "I only see a dark line" and I said "well, what does that line say" and when he realized what it said he said "well don't get too excited cause it might not be true"

LOL he is so silly!!! He was so nervous after that, and of course so happy. I took of course 4 more that day to make sure. Then Monday I took another 2, and Wednesday? 1 more! all of them are positive! I am in shock and I don't believe it still. I don't have any symptoms! Only the cramps that by now are very mild, they come and go. Oh and I got thirsty, very.. but other than that I don't feel preggo!

Remember I said the doc will get blood from me to see if I ovulated? No? Well if I didn't sorry. Before we start trying in full I wanted to make sure everything was good in my system. So on July 6th he took blood from me to see if I did ovulate (that is thinking that I ovulated June 29th-30th) you see my cycle is about 37-38 days, its a long one!
Anyways, he called me Wenesday to tell me I didn't ovulated. Then I tell him "Explain me one thing doctor, if I didn't ovulated then how in the world 10 pregnancy tests tell me I am pregnant" He laughed and said we calculated our ovulation wrong obviously and that I ovulated earlier than I thought.

Wenesday July 22nd is my 1st Doctor Appointment, and I wont believe I am pregnant until he tells me. We haven't really tried, I can honestly say we tried last month, our 1st month trying to conceive and BINGO!!!!!!!

I don't know how to react. I don't know if I should be this happy, I don't know if I can believe those tests. I will just wait till July 22nd and hear it from my doctor.

It is finally time to grow.......

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update of my BDAY weekend


I needed to update! It was my bday this past weekend and it was a blast! OMG I had so much fun!

I am done with cakes for a while, all of my friends gave me a cake, even my co workers! I think I gained like 10 pounds just with those cakes. Damn!

Then we spent the long weekend on the lake with a couple of my friends. We bough a huge island float that made the day much better! I can tan, and float and also read a magazine if I want all at the same time, oh let's not forget drink too!

Even our Dog Lucy was having a blast! Everyone that meets her loves her and she is the kindest most amazing god in the world. U know there are not many dogs that smile when they are happy. Well she does, it looks like someone photo shopped her face to create that smile.

I think it was one of the best Bday's Ive had in a long time! And I am very happy to have the friends I have in North Carolina.

It's very difficult to have honest good people in your life, and I have friends that have been in my life for YEARS, and those I trust with my life. So, when I moved from Puerto Rico to Florida I left the best girlfriends I have had, the good thing is that I had my other best friend since Kindergarten in Fort Lauderdale (we became roommates) so I was spoiled to have her with me. But then I move to North Carolina and who do I have? NO ONE, ZERO! I was alone, really alone for the 1st time. I didn't had anyone that I could call my friend over here....

I've been spoiled with the friends I have, and now it was like starting over, I never thought I was going to meet such wonderful people here, some of them I can call them now true friends, and I am excited to expand my circle of friends, and more excited to see how much they love me, and that showed this past weekend.

Enough about my bday......So you know I've been trying to conceive, well this past month I had the "window of opportunity" and sadly me and my husband haven't been able to practice the way its supposed to be in order to get pregnant!

Its so frustrating to know I am ready, ovulating! ready to get a little sperm and there is no sperm inside to catch that egg. Things haven't worked out the way I wanted. Hopefully next month we plan in anticipation to make sure that window wont get wasted.

Anyways, I am excited cause this weekend my sister in law with her husband and her daughter are coming! YAY! I love to have a little one around the house (that way I get a clear idea of what to expect) We sure do have fun together. I am looking forward to it.

Ok, I gota go now, I'll keep you updated! Have a safe weekend!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weekend in Baltimore

Heya! Its been a little bit since I've updated. Ive been busy working and visiting family.

We went this past weekend to Baltimore and met with a few of my husbands High school friends, we also saw his family and went boating through Baltimore waters. It was so much fun! Baltimore 06-09 165.JPG

I rode in the Jet Ski, drove the boat and drink like a fish! I am so bloated.

I was able to also see my husband's aunt and other cousins that I have never met before.

It was really a cool weekend.

This month we are trying again with the baby making, its a hassle! Cause u have such a small window to get pregnant and u better have sex in that little window or else! grrr Funny how other people get pregnant just by thinking about it.

I wont complain, this is only our 2nd month trying, even though 1st month doesn't count cause we didn't tried in that "window" We had people over the entire weekend and we didn't "practice" when we were supposed too. So let just say this is our 1st month trying knowingly in the right days.

This weekend is my Bday Weekend, and I am sooo excited!!!!! I will tell you all about it next week ;-)

Ok back to work, see ya soon!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Waiting to see what happends!

Well hello hello, its been a while, I know! I've been lazy to write and also busy! I just got back from California, I was at a work Convention.

Well, I was in Downtown,LA to be exact. I was surprised cause in tv you see all the glamor and in reality LA sucks! lol It is dirty! and in every 10 steps there was a bum stalking you. Food wasn't that great and there were so many weird people.

I took my 1st subway ride, and that was not a fun thing! I felt dirrrrty and full of germs, all I wanted was to take a bath afterwards. I wasn't impressed with this city at all, and I wont go there ever for pleasure.

Baby making its still on the planning and practicing stages! I went to the GNO to have my year check up and told him that I've been trying to conceive, he said he will take my blood for tests and make sure I have no thyroid problems, he actually said he will do them on July 6th (after ovulation) to make sure I ovulated. I thought that was awesome! Imagine trying for months and months not knowing if I have something wrong? I rather know I am healthy and ready and if I dont get pregnant is cause we are not shooting at the right time hahahahahaha!

Next week we are going to Baltimore to see some of my husband's highschool friends and we will stay at his cousin's, she is the most adorable girl ever. I really love her. I am excited and know I will have lots of fun that weekend.

After that is my BDAY! geez...32! on July 3, wait, not 32, 33! Holly Sh$# I dont even know how old I am, I am older than I thought! bummer....

We will try this month again and see if we shoot right this time, My husband is now much more easy going with the baby making, i think he understands now how this works! lol I will see what happens this month. Hopefully we hit the jackpot!

Ok, going back to work, I will catch up with ya soon!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Boys will be boys

From my last blog, I was complaining about my FB profile being blocked, well after trying numerous times to get it fixed and being ignore by FB people I decided to give up and open a new one. Yes I know why go through the hassle, well, all my friends communicate through it, we share pics comments and I must say its addictive!

I had my Sister in Law, her husband and daughter this past weekend (memorial weekend) I was kinda excited to spend quality time with them. Me and my sis in law were very close before, and after getting engaged things just went weird.

Anyways the good thing is that we had an exciting weekend together. And her daughter 1 1/2 years gave us a preview of what is like to have a baby in our home. Gosh its a LOT of work to have to watch someone 24/7, there is never a break! Its very difficult and I even told my husband (are we sure we will have a baby?)

He was a bit scared too since there is no break like I said, but there were many tender moments that melted me. SO lets see how this baby making turns out to be.

I am also a bit sick! 2 days ago I had horrible belly pains, I went to the doc and he said I had colitis. I was taking a antibiotic and the results of it was colitis. That Sh*T hurt! I feel better but still feel some cramping.

I also got good news! My BF that is in Florida will move to Charleston in 2 months! woohoo! 3 1/2 hours from me. When I moved to US 6 years ago was with her, we lived together in Fort Lauderdale. I moved to NC and she stayed back there with her hubbie and baby. Now he found a new job and finally we will be a couple hours away (instead of 10 driving) so thats a good thing.

What else? nothing else has happend. Just trying to make a baby that can be a bit crazy! My husband gets offended when I tell him, ok today it is! he feels its a chore instead of special, I in the other hand think its special to know that we are doing it with that purpose! Boys will be boys and girls will be girls.

Ok going back to work, talk to you soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clumsy Day

Good lord, today has been one of those days.

1st our company is selling a new product so now we have double work, and people just don't stop bothering me!

2nd, I (dont ask me how) accidentally deleted my FB... can you imagine my horror!!! I sent an email to the FB team and see how I can retrieve it....

3rd I ordered a book 3 weeks ago from Amazon and the retard seller doesn't even answer my emails!

Is it Friday Yet? I need a break! Thank God for my electronic cigs, I can smoke at my cubicle at all hours to lower my temper.

Anyways I needed to rant today, I'm frustrated!

Friday, May 15, 2009

1st time blogging

So, here I am, becoming a blogger. I kinda wanted to do it for a while but I was a bit scared everyone would've had access to my life. Then I see I can put my things private, only to be shown to people I would like them to see what is going on with me. So I thought, why not!

I used to write diaries when I was little, I love to read those now and laugh at myself. My life seemed so complicated back then, and now I read it and think to myself ( I wish things were that simple now)

I read how "difficult" things were for me back then, friendships, family, boys. But I also read how happy I was. I had soo much fun with my life as well.

I also remember I said I will never get married or have children, and now, yep you guessed it, Married!

The day I got married was the most amazing day of my life! I never imagined that my Dad would be able to walk me down the aisle and that my mom would be able to see one of her 4 kids getting married. I knew this also was her dream.

This wedding was not only for myself and my husband, but it was most definite for them. I danced with my father, and I felt I was dancing in the clouds, that is a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life. Then my mom danced with me a mother/daughter dance, and that was beyond what I would've dreamed off, that time I wasn't in the clouds, I felt I was already in heaven.

So now I am a wifey! And of course what is next? Hmm kids? Oh yes, cause this girl never wanted kids! I had constant allergies whenever a kid would be around me, somehow that allergy has been cured little by little..

Biological clock? maybe, but I definitely think the medicine that cured that allergy was Love, yes as cheesy as it sounds, Vic (my husband's love) made me want not only want a minnie him, but a legacy of our love. I felt, if I only have a son that would be just like him, a son that like him makes me the happiest woman alive. A son that will not only be a role model, it will be someone people will never forget just like his father, or a daughter, a strong independent woman, a daughter that can carry on and learn my values, values that have been passed along by my mother and father. Then, only then is when I thought it is damn worth it.

Time to grow up? Yes that's why my blog will be named Time to grow, time to grow as a person, friend, daughter, lover, wife...and hopefully soon a mother.