Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 pounds 13 ounces!

Well, we got to see Baby Leonardo yesterday! I am 36 2 days (today) and I can say I feel great! I never get tired of seeing this baby through the Ultra Sound. He was so squeezed in my belly! We weren't able to get a good face shot of him, he kept putting his hands on his face! What I did asked was to make sure he was still a boy. I had a nightmare last week that they told me Oh by the way, its a girl, we were never sure it was a boy and I was mad and screaming at everyone asking what am I gona do with a blue nursery! So that stayed on my mind. I told her please find his pipi! She did found balls though lol big ones! but pipi was covered bu his hand. He was just covering himself, he hated to be exposed and moved around so much!

We had another baby shower about 2 weeks ago. It was amazing! I got so many things that were needed. My sis in law did a great job! Now, Leo's room looks like a mess! I will organize it this weekend. Last weekend we went to BRU to buy the swing and high chair and then sunday it was a beautiful day and we spent it on the boat, so this weekend will be!

I still can't believe baby will be here soon! My mom told me she will come March 17 and will leave April 21. I am so excited!!! We also went to the academy were we will leave the baby when i come back to work. Its EXPENSIVE but I loved the place and I know he will be safe and having fun there with other babies.

I want to blink and have him here with me. I am scared, soo scared of the unkown. I dont know how he will be, sleep, eat, caca, everything! What I am not scared of is that I will love him so much!

Ok i will post soon when I get near the date! I will post pics of my belly too! :-)