Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1 month old baby

Hello there

Its been 1 month since Baby Leonardo was born, boy this have been a total rollercoaster. I went in on a Sunday for induction, Leo wasnt having any of it! His hearbeat was almost in te 200 with the Cervadil, so they had to get the cervadil out. They even said his heartbeat wont go down they had to do a c section! I was so scared for him and me! But thank God his hearbeat came down on its own and quick!

So Monday morning came and they started with pitosin at 9 am, then 10 am came and it was a new Doctor, Dr Rollins, she was an angel. She ordered to take out the pitosin cause my body was not ready and she went ahead and put me some sort of pill in my cervix to soften it. She checked me every 4 hours after it, at 2 nothing has happened, but I was having minor 5 a big blood gush came down, I thought my water broke! so the doctor came to check in and broke my water, for our surprise the water had poo in it, probably from the stress he suffered the night before. I was only 3 centimeters. She ordered the pitosin and at 8pm the pain was SO horrible! (I couldnt even breath!) I ordered an epidural! yay! At about 1 am the doc checked me again and there was more poop coming, that was not good, I have not progressed either..c section was the only way out. I was not happy, but I tried, we tried to have him natural but he had another plan...stubborn baby.

The recovery of that c section was so hard. It was so painful, and my amazing husband took care of me. Walking or getting out and in to bed was always an ordeal. And going to the bathroom? My husband had to clean me every time I went. I couldn't believe what a great man I had by my side. It humbled me, and it made me fall in love all over again. He not only took care of me, he took care of baby Leo while i was recovering and he did it with such grace...

Stubborn baby, he sure is! I never imagined how hard and unbelievable having a child would be. I almost lost it after 2 weeks, no sleep makes you delusional! Thank God I have the husband I have. He has helped me like I never imagined.

I am starting to get the swing of things and starting to know what he wants or needs.. I am bonding much more making me love him even more. He is m life now, and I would do anything for him.

I thank God for his blessings, for a healthy perfect baby, amazing husband and for this new journey.