Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nuchal Test

So on Tuesday Sept 15 I went to get my Nuchal Test done. I was soo anxious for this test and was so excited to see how much the baby has grown. I didn't know what to expect, or how the baby will look like. I thought we will see a baby there, just there.

Oh was sooo wrong!!! As soon as she put the thing on my stomach that baby was waving at us! I had tears coming down my eyes and I couldn't believe a baby this small would have such a big personality! My husband and I were in total shock!


We were there for about 40 minutes and the baby wouldn't stop moving! It was amazing how much we felt the baby bonded with us, see the big nose and big mouth! hahah little legs, little arms, huge beer belly! I mean, for us he/she is PERFECT!


I couldn't imagine I would love something that is not here yet. I mean its here but not here, just inside my belly. I couldn't imagine that I would feel all this emotion for a little 3 inch baby that is laying in peace inside my tummy.

Oh and I think I felt it moving today! I felt some weird bubbles exploiting inside! Probably I am over reacting but it was a weird feeling!!!!!

I've been so worried about money, ugh! This has me in total stress. But I know we will be ok. I know that!

In the meantime I keep dreaming for that day to come, the day I can hold you in my arms and kiss you and tell you face to face how much I love you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Belly is out!

12 Weeks

Yep that is my belly growing by the minute! 12 weeks. Can it be any bigger? Sleeping is not comfortable! I just wanted to update with belly pic. See ya later!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NO myrtle beach after all!

So, this past weekend we were going to spend it in Myrtle Beach. We were going to celebrate our 1 year anniversary and we were really looking forward to it.

After a 4 hour drive and being nauseated the 1st hour! we get there, and to tell you the truth we didn't felt comfortable with the people there. It was not our kind of people. We still decided to have a positive mind and say let's have fun.

Our room was not ready, was 12 pm. SO we decided to drive around and visited Barefoot Landing, which is bunch of stores. 3pm comes and we call, room not ready yet.

Then we went to have some crabs, which they were delish!!!! It was 5 pm and my husband tells me "ok, lets go back to the hotel" I had a bad feeling and I told him to please call before going there, I have a feeling our room is still not ready. Well yep that was it! Not ready STILL at 5 pm!

Hell broke loose, I said forget it! I had a feeling since I got here that things were not going to be good. Thank God my BFF lives 1 1/2 away (Mt Pleasant) so there we went.

We went to the beach the next day and we had a great time! Her son is the cutest thing ever...and we always have a great time with her and family. We left Sunday night. After all the struggle my husband wanted to just get home and be able to spend Monday doing chores at the house.

I am also 12 weeks 1 day today!! Belly is getting bigger! and I feel less tired which is a plus! I feel more like myself (but fatter)

I am going to the doc next week Sept 15 to have the Nuchal test done, I am so excited to see this baby! I will post pics soon.

Ok wanted to have a quick post, going back to work. Until next time!

Friday, September 4, 2009


So, I said previously that my appointment was Sept 1. They called me to re schedule for the 3rd cause the doc was not there or something like it. I don't even remember the excuse, I was just so pissed! I've been waiting 4 weeks for this day and you are telling me you need to change it! grrrr

Anyways I went yesterday and as soon as the nurse put the doppler on my belly there it was! Sounded so beautiful, it was the most amazing sound. pum pum pum pum! lol it was going so fast! 172-173! She/He is a super hero baby! pumping that heart so fast.

Everything else seemed fine.

This week though I've been getting night sickness, just right after dinner i feel sick and have to puke a little.. sucks! Last night I felt better, so hopefully it goes away.

My Nuchal test is Sept 15 and I will see the baby then!!! Oh oh oh oh oh I can't wait for that!

I am going with my husband to Myrtle Beach for the weekend, we need some quiet romantic time. I am excited for this weekend.

I will be back soon! Everyone enjoy your labor weekend! Adios!